Supporting people leaders during times of business and economic turmoil is essential to ensure the organization can navigate these challenging times successfully.

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Effective communication is necessary for success in any area of business. From internal communication to sales funnels, networking to invoicing, and meetings to marketing - what you say and how you say it shapes people’s opinions and perceptions of you and your company.

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As exciting as it is to have a new bank of PTO (Paid Time Off), think of like a bank account and leave some time for needed breaks and unexpected events.

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Most people set resolutions to stop or start a behavior- stop staying up so late, start that side project, stop impulse buying, or start working out more. But the sad truth is that 92% of people fail to keep their resolutions.

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The end of the year is creeping up on us, and it's time to start thinking about the dreaded, most anticipated event of the season - The Annual Non-Denominational Holiday Party! Whether you're looking at a small intimate gathering or a large group event, there are a few rules to remember when throwing a party to ensure everyone has a good time.

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Here's a quick guide to walk you through how to create your customized script including how things have evolved since the pandemic.

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It's not enough to just know what you want to ask or how you plan on evaluating responses - it's also essential that you know all about your company and position before interviewing someone who may become your newest colleague!

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When it comes to professional relationships, it's important to practice active listening so that your conversation partner feels understood and you have a firm grasp on the information being shared.

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One of the hardest parts of the interview process is notifying the applicants who didn't make the cut. It's hard to tell someone they didn't get the job, but it is important that you do.

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Situational leaders recognize that common pitfall in approaches to people management. Situational leadership is an adaptive style that encourages leaders to analyze situations and choose the leadership style that will best fit their goals in that circumstance. Situational leaders are flexible and can switch between leadership styles to align with the evolving needs of an organization and its employees.

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Today, there is intense competition for hiring and retaining employees. By utilizing stay interviews, our clients’ employees feel heard, valued, and appreciated, making all the difference.

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Why are so many Americans quitting their jobs? And what can be done to stop this "turnover tsunami?" This blog post will answer those questions with some tips on how to stem the tide of the Great Resignation before it takes over your workforce!

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