Supervising and coaching new college grads comes with its own set of challenges, as they often lack experience in a professional environment. Get practical tips to help managers effectively coach and supervise new college graduates.

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One of the hardest parts of the interview process is notifying the applicants who didn't make the cut. It's hard to tell someone they didn't get the job, but it is important that you do.

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There are many ways to conduct interviews, but it all comes down to consistency and comparing candidates effectively. Do you want a specific process for each position? Or do you want a general system that can be applied universally? It's up to you-but whatever route you decide, make sure your process is clearly communicated to the entire team.

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Many business owners and managers have no idea how to identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics or KSAOs for a job position. Fewer still know what they should do with that information once it is found. This article will help you understand the process of conducting a thorough review of the requirements of a job position and what to do with your findings once you have them.

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I have people ask from time to time why I work with companies and individuals. Perhaps they think I cannot make up my mind, but the real reason is that I am committed to bridging the gap between companies and employees. Improving the employer, employee, and candidate experience has been a driver of mine for over twenty years! Companies want the best employees, yet few have mastered the science behind using data and people analytics to find them and assemble a dream team. Most candidates are willing to participate in *reasonable assessment processes because they too want the fit to be just right. The Predictive Index estimates that a wrong hiring decision costs about 30% of that individual's first-year salary. Have you ever been on a team when someone was added who was less than optimal? If so, you know there are additional costs to team dynamics and productivity that cannot be quantified.

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