04 Sep

Mock interviewing isn’t just for candidates 

Interviewing is a skill that needs to be practiced and perfected. It's not enough to just know what you're going to ask the candidate; you need to practice your interview skills. This will help ensure that you are interviewing in the best manner possible. Mock interviews are an excellent way of practicing your interview skills without the risk of making a mistake or offending someone. In this article, we'll discuss how to set one up and what you should practice. 

What are Mock Interviews?

 Mock interviews are a common way for both first-time and experienced interviewers to practice their interview skills. They provide the opportunity to ask the same questions that you might on an actual interview without any of the risks. In a mock interview, you can be more assertive with candidates who give vague or non-specific answers. Your mock candidate can then offer constructive feedback for areas where you should improve. 

How do I set up a mock interview?

 To set up a mock interview, you'll first want to schedule a time and create a space that will not be disturbed. You can then find someone willing to participate as your mock candidate - the more you practice, the better! It's a good idea to work with a mock candidate familiar with the role you are hiring for who can offer informed answers to the questions you've customized for the position. 

To properly prepare for a mock interview, it's important that you study some common tactics and skills that experienced interviewers might use in an interview. Think about what topics to touch on in an interview to have an idea of what questions to ask. You will also want to think about what kinds of answers you might be looking for before the interview begins. This way, you can better judge whether your mock candidate is giving a well-rounded answer that would be satisfactory for an actual interviewer to hear. 

What should I practice during a mock interview?

 During an interview, you want to have several different questions prepared for the candidate. A common technique for interviewing is to have about four or five main questions and then three follow-up questions for each primary question. This will ensure that you cover enough ground with your candidate without making them feel like they've been through a grueling battery of tests. Try out a mock interview and see how long you want to spend on each question. You'll also need to consider how many questions you have and whether the interviewee can answer them in the time allowed. 

A mock interview is an excellent opportunity for you to practice your technique and work on several specific skills that make up a good interviewer. When working with your mock candidate, watch their body language and be aware of their responses. Do they seem interested? Are they giving appropriate answers? Do they find any of the questions confusing? You can also take your turn as the candidate to see how well you feel like you're being represented throughout an interview. 

Make sure that you rehearse your greeting and introduction in your mock interview as the "small talk" at the beginning of the interview can both throw off your schedule and poses the most significant risk of asking for legally off-limits information.  Knowing exactly what you will say to introduce yourself, your company, and the role you are hiring for is extremely important and can set the tone for the rest of the interview.  Likewise, practicing how to "land the plane" in an interview will help the conclusion of the interview flow smoothly and efficiently. 

Mock Interviews for Hiring Panels

If you are conducting a panel interview, mock interviews are crucial to ensuring that everyone is on the same page.  Panel interviews can quickly jump the rails if expectations are not clear from the get-go.  Take time to rehearse your panel interviews, even if your panel is made up of experienced interviewers. When interviewing a candidate, it's essential to have a plan of attack. One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is by practicing mock interviews. From thinking about what questions you might want to ask the applicant to figuring out how you're going open and close the meeting, mock interviews allow you to go into an actual interview feeling prepared and in control.

Visit www.interviewdive.com to learn more and create the perfect interview script.